Sunday, October 6, 2013

Poires au vin en Granite( pears with wine in granita)

I picked up the naturalia brochure in France while I was walking along in the market. I was captivated with the piece of blue cheese in the front and this recipe which had a few pears sitting in bed of red liquid.It was visually captivating..I have decided to translate the topic sentence as near as possible to the original sentence.

Enfin la saison des poires,dégustez-les accompagnées d'aromes de vin et
d'épices avec ce dessert délicieux et facile à réaliser.

Finally the season of pears, savour them accompanied with the flavour of wine and spices with this delicious dessert and it is easy to make.

la saison-  the season
les poires- the pears
le vin -       the wine
facile-        easy

This can be found in the dossier section on

Saturday, October 5, 2013

New beginnings

Languages have always intrigued and captivated me.Being able to understand what was written in a book or a magazine has made me want to learn different languages. At this moment, I am so immersed in learning French  and this is going to be a blog where I share the material that I have gathered as well as what made me remember a certain word and how at times the similarities between the english and french words made it so much easier for me to learn it. I have to say the best site for learning out there is Duolingo. It has made me able to read in a few months what I have struggled years with. The other site is livemocha. I will try to post all the links to the material that I translate.